Diamond Jubilee Civic Reception

Diamond Jubilee - Mgr Hendry is surrounded by his family as Provost Grant pays tribute to his remarkable lifetime of service in the Fair City

Diamond Jubilee – Mgr Hendry is surrounded by his family as Provost Grant pays tribute to his remarkable lifetime of service in the Fair City

Provost Elizabeth Grant hosted a Civic Reception in the Salutation Hotel, Perth, on Thursday 2nd July, to pay tribute to the life time of service given by the Fair City’s Monsignor Hendry on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood.
Although a Dundonian, baptised and brought up in the St Andrew’s Cathedral parish in Dundee, Mgr Hendry has served 40 of his 60 years in Perth, first at St John the Baptist’s and currently he is still serving as parish priest in St Mary Magdalene’s.
Provost Grant praised the example of his service to others and in particular to those in  most need.
Provost Liz Grant and Perth and Kinross Councillors join with Mgr O'Sullivan, Fr Tobias Okoro, Fr Aldo Angelosanto, Canon Drysdale, Rev. Deacon Charles Hendry  and Mgr Ken McCaffrey to recognise 60 years of priestly service.

Provost Liz Grant and Perth and Kinross Councillors join with Mgr O’Sullivan, Fr Tobias Okoro, Fr Aldo Angelosanto, Canon Drysdale, Rev. Deacon Charles Hendry and Mgr Ken McCaffrey to recognise 60 years of priestly service.

Funds raised for projects in East Africa

Sister Mary Roe RSCJ would like to thank everyone who worked so hard in helping, supporting and donating to her Bingo Tea for the missions in East Africa. A wonderful sum of £845 was made. This will be divided between the Primary school in Kibera, the Primary school in Nakibizzi and the home for the physically and mentally challenged in Chekalini. Sincere thanks to all involved.

Diamond Jubilee

Mgr Hendry will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination on Friday 3rd July with Mass at 7pm in St Mary Magdalene’s followed by a reception in the Glenearn Community Campus.

There is a notice at the back of the church for the names of those who wish to attend (for catering purposes). Thank you.