Announcement of Easter and other Feasts

Know, dear brethren that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so by leave of God’s mercy we announce to you also the joy of his Resurrection, who is our Saviour. On the tenth day of February will fall Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season. On the …

Newsletter 3 January ’16 Download our latest newsletter here.

Newsletter 13 December ’15 Download our latest weekly bulletin here.

Scots College guests celebrate Mass in the Vatican

Early in the morning on Tuesday 1st December, the Scots College community joined Mgr Hendry (pictured here), and the other priests who are celebrating jubilees, for a special Mass. The staff, seminarians and sisters joined the guests at the altar in front of the tomb of St Peter. Saint Andrew, pray for them. Saint Peter, pray for them.

A Very Special St Andrew’s Day in Rome

Thanks to the Scots College in Rome for this photo of the first three of their guests of honour to arrive for the College’s St Andrew’s Day celebrations. Pictured with Fr Sharkey (Vice-Rector) (left) and Fr Cassidy (Spiritual Director) (centre) are, from left to right: Fr John McAllister (Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh), Fr Charles Kane (Archdiocese of Glasgow) …

Torchlight Procession

Come along and join in the Perth Action for Churches Together’s Torchlight Procession through the city centre on Saturday 5th December – then enjoy mulled wine and mince pies outside St John’s Kirk with Carol Singing and the switch-on of the Perth Nativity scene.

Newsletter, 29 November ’15 Download our latest bulletin here.

Newsletter 22 November ’15 Download our latest newsletter here.

Invitation to Rome

Mgr Hendry has been invited to Scots College, Rome, on the Feast of St Andrew, to mark the 60th anniversary of his ordination. There will be no weekday Mass in St Mary Magdalene’s from Thursday 25th November until Thursday 3rd December. We welcome Canon Drysdale, newly appointed parish priest at St John’s, who will celebrate Mass for us next Sunday.