Category Archives: News

Prayers for our parish priest

Prayers are being requested and heard around the diocese for our parish priest, Mgr Hendry who is now in hospital.

ST MARY’S, LOCHEE – I would ask you to remember Mgr Charles Hendry in your prayers for the sick. Mgr Hendry is in PRI, comfortable but sleeping, most of the time. Fr Mark Cassidy

ST MARY’S, FOREBANK – Please keep in your prayers Mgr. Charles Hendry who is currently in Perth Royal Infirmary. The bishop sent word this evening that Mgr. Charlie’s condition has deteriorated today and our prayers are asked as he enters his final days. – Fr Michael Carrie (22nd April 2020)

ST BRIDE’S, MONIFIETH – The news has gone round our Diocese of how seriously ill Mgr Charlie Hendry is, in PRI. He is a good and faithful priest who served long and hard in the Lord’s vineyard. May God comfort and console him in his illness. May God embrace his family in His love and tenderness. Mgr Aldo Angelosanto

ST JAMES’, KINROSS – Dear parishioners, I have heard from the bishop that Mgr. Charles Hendry’s health has deteriorated quite quickly in his time in hospital and we are now asking very much for your prayers for him and his family at this time. God bless you and thank you for keeping this dear priest of our diocese in prayer in his ill health. Fr Martin Pletts

ST JOHN’S RC ACADEMY, PERTH – Staff and pupils are joined with Bishop Stephen Robson and communities across the diocese with prayers for Mgr Hendry, our school’s most senior chaplain (by age). He is now in PRI and his condition is poor. David O’Brien

Special Collections in 2018

Justice & Peace
7th January:- The Epiphany of the Lord

The African Missions
28th January:- 4th Sunday of the Year

Catholic Education Service
11th February:- 6th Sunday of the Year

The Sick & Retired Priests Fund
18th February:- 1st Sunday of Lent

Papal & Episcopal Charities (including SCIAF)
11th March:- 4th Sunday of Lent

Holy Places
30th March:- Good Friday

SCIAF Wee Boxes due to be returned

The Apostolate of Communications
13th May:- 7th Sunday of Easter

The Day for Life
20th May:- Pentecost

Peter’s Pence
1st July:- 13th Sunday of the Year

The Apostleship of the Sea
8th July:- 14th Sunday of the Year

Mensal Fund
5th August:- 18th Sunday of the Year

The Ecclesiastical Students Fund
16th September:- 24th Sunday of the Year

Mission Sunday
21st October:- 29th Sunday of the Year

Poor Mission Fund
2nd December:- 1st Sunday of Advent

Celebrations in Forfar

forfar-socialMgr Hendry journeyed to Forfar to share in the celebrations to mark Fr Tobias Okoro transfer to St Fergus Forfar.

Fr Tobias served in Pitlochry until recently, where Mgr Hendry was a regular guest priest. Pictured with Brother Priests and friends, Fr Joseph, Derek McInally, Parish Council Chairperson, Fr Tobias Okoro, Parish Priest, Mgr Charles Hendry, Fr Gregory Umunna, at the cutting of cake to celebrate his 23rd Anniversary to the priesthood, also welcoming to his new role as parish priest of St Fergus RC Church forfar and St Anthony Kirriemuir.

Scots College guests celebrate Mass in the Vatican

Early in the morning on Tuesday 1st December, the Scots College community joined Mgr Hendry (pictured here), and the other priests who are celebrating jubilees, for a special Mass.

The staff, seminarians and sisters joined the guests at the altar in front of the tomb of St Peter.

Saint Andrew, pray for them.
Saint Peter, pray for them.

Torchlight Procession

Come along and join in the Perth Action for Churches Together’s Torchlight Procession through the city centre on Saturday 5th December – then enjoy mulled wine and mince pies outside St John’s Kirk with Carol Singing and the switch-on of the Perth Nativity scene.

Invitation to Rome

Mgr Hendry has been invited to Scots College, Rome, on the Feast of St Andrew, to mark the 60th anniversary of his ordination. There will be no weekday Mass in St Mary Magdalene’s from Thursday 25th November until Thursday 3rd December. We welcome Canon Drysdale, newly appointed parish priest at St John’s, who will celebrate Mass for us next Sunday.

Funds raised for projects in East Africa

Sister Mary Roe RSCJ would like to thank everyone who worked so hard in helping, supporting and donating to her Bingo Tea for the missions in East Africa. A wonderful sum of £845 was made. This will be divided between the Primary school in Kibera, the Primary school in Nakibizzi and the home for the physically and mentally challenged in Chekalini. Sincere thanks to all involved.