Category Archives: Celebration
Diamond Jubilee Mass
Perth paid tribute to the Rt. Rev. Mgr Charles Canon Hendry, parish priest at St Mary Magdalene’s, Perth, on the 60th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Born, baptised and ordained in St Andrew’s Cathedral parish in Dundee, Mgr Hendry has served over 30 years in Perth where he was first appointed as a curate, in 1955.
He returned to St John the Baptist parish in the Fair City in 1992 where he served until 2012 when he was appointed parish priest at St Mary Magdalene’s in Perth, the church he had watched being built as a young priest in 1958. In recognition of his enormous service to the Church and to the wider community in Perth, Provost Elizabeth Grant hosted a Civic Reception in the city’s Salutation Hotel attended by representatives of Dunkeld Diocese, local councillors, parishioners, family and friends. Provost Grant praised Mgr Hendry’s “lifetime of service to the community.” “Monsignor Hendry is not only well known within his parish,” the Provost said, “ he is a very familiar face in the wards at Perth Royal Infirmary and in the city’s care homes where his daily ministry to those in greatest need is a great example to us all.” |
Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld, presided at the 60th Jubilee Mass in St Mary Magdalene’s Church. The church was filled to capactity with priests and parishioners from all corners of the diocese that he had served for so many years.
“His service has outlasted three bishops already,” said Bishop Stephen, “and he has already served under seven popes.” Fr Gerry Mulligan CSsR, from St Mary’s Monastery in Perth, spoke warmly about a priesthood “full of energy and sustained by prayer”. On behalf of his parishioners, Miss Norma Giulianotti presented Mgr Hendry with a Papal Blessing to mark his 60th Jubilee.
Diamond Jubilee
Mgr Hendry will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination on Friday 3rd July with Mass at 7pm in St Mary Magdalene’s followed by a reception in the Glenearn Community Campus.
There is a notice at the back of the church for the names of those who wish to attend (for catering purposes). Thank you.